Speedfol Boron
Speedfol Boron is soluble liquid fertilizer contains boron as boron ethanolamine. Boron is a micro element taking an important role at cell wall. At boron deficiencies calcium pectate formation prevented and plant defense system affected badly from this situation. Besides, boron also effective on pollen tube growth and pollen germination so deficiency of boron can cause severe lack of fruit formation or fruit set.
Speedfol Boron is applicable for both foliar application and fertigation. Its formulation is safe for applications at critical growth stages to satisfy crop requirements. It is easy to use with clear liquid formulation.
Speedfol Cup
Speedfol Cup is suspension concentrate liquid fertilizer contains 26% copper. Product focused on treating copper deficiencies but it is also effective as fungicides against fungus origin diseases.
In addition copper is a micro element taking role at electron transfer and ATP synthesis indirectly. It is the element needed for lignin synthesis for treating mechanical wounds at plants and activates some elements for photosynthesis.
Speedfol Cup can be good supporter product for plant health and in several countries Speedfol Cup source “copper oxychloride” has approval for use in organic farming.
Speedfol Boman
Speedfol Boman is soluble crystalline fertilizer contains boron, manganese and zinc together. Product focused on increasing yield and resistance against crown rot on tuber plants.
In addition, manganese is a micro element effective on auxin and gibberellin synthesis directly or indirectly. Also it catalyzes many important enzymes and taking a role at chlorophyll pigment synthesis in the plant.
Zinc is effective on auxin and gibberellin synthesis either beside flowering and flower set. Shoot growth and DNA replication needs zinc, chlorophyll synthesis is also activated by zinc element.
Boron is effective on pollen tube growth and pollen germination so deficiency of boron can cause severe lack of fruit formation or fruit set.
Speedfol Deep
Speedfol Deep is soluble crystalline fertilizer contains boron, iron, manganese and zinc together. Product focused on post-harvest application at fruit trees to restore nutrients for next season.
Iron is taking role at many metabolic activities at plants. Respiration, electron transfer and being activator for some enzymes were few of them. DNA synthesis and photosynthesis also badly effected with iron deficiency.
Speedfol Combine
Speedfol Combine is soluble crystalline fertilizer contains boron, copper, iron, manganese and zinc together. Product focused on to prevent or treat micro nutrient deficiencies.
Plant nutrition is very important for agricultural development. There are some elements that plants need more, called as macro elements, and less, called as micro elements. However it is proven that quality and yield affected from micro elements more than macro elements. Because micro element availability is lower.
Regular application of Speedfol Combine can help prevention of micro element deficiencies and increase production capacity and quality of the plants.
**All values are w/w % unless otherwise specified.